Use of the site
You, the user, use this web site at entirely your own risk.
We will do our best to avoid any harm to you and your system by using up to date methods and professionally sound practice.
Airvent does not accept responsibility of views and comments left in reference articles or comments left by site users.
If you find offensive, slanderous, or not nice content on our site, inform us and we will remove it.
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We won’t give your email address to anyone.
We will only email really interesting stuff that is relevant to Airvent.
User Comments
By using this website, you agree not to leave any malicious, slanderous, rude, false and generally not nice comments.
Any comments falling into the category above will be removed.
Business with Airvent
This list is a general guide to the terms and conditions of working with Airvent.
Simply Put:
Payment must be paid within 30 days of invoice.
Any payments that are outstanding, and no attempt has been made by the client to pay, the matter will be taken up with the relevant local authorities eg. The ITC in South Africa.
No design work to be done after 3:30pm on a Friday, we wouldn’t want to rush it.
No design work will be done before 11am on a Monday morning, we wouldn’t want any of our clients to get a tired designer.
No project will be completed on the day the brief is received. Unless otherwise discussed prior.
Clients are required to make a deposit of 50%, to secure studio time and get us started as soon as possible.
When you pay the deposit, you automatically agree to the terms of service of Airvent.
Deadline to be negotiated in advance and signed on quotation.
Airvent will inform all clients of a suitable date when a project can be delivered though the quotation.
Airvent retains all author copyrights and reserves the right to brand any website created with the Airvent box logo, unless otherwise discussed.
No published source files are to be altered in any way without the written permission of Airvent.
We don’t release our source files, unless that is arranged in the brief.
Clients must sign a contract which includes a confidentiality agreement.
Projects will only be completed as per the project specification provided. Airvent is not responsible for any errors by third parties, or the client.
Below are the full terms in full.
1 Appointment
Upon selection of Airvent as a service provider, the Client agrees to the terms and conditions outlined below.
2 Professional Responsibility
Airvent shall use its best efforts in accordance with sound and generally accepted business practice to perform Services Rendered.
3 Pricing Structure
3.1.Airvent shall directly provide The Client’s with written quotations, falling under the description of Services Rendered before the services are rendered.
3.2.Once The Client has agreed to the quotation price, and has paid the deposit as outlined in clause 4 of The Agreement, the price quoted is fixed and is not subject to change.
3.3. Airvent will invoice the client directly for any Services Rendered.
3.4. Airvent is not responsible for invoicing any third parties of The Client.
3.5. Unsigned quotations are subject to change, without prior notice.
4 Payment Terms
4.1 After quotation and agreement to the quotation specific to Services Rendered, a non negotiable and non refundable 50% deposit is to be paid before commencement of Services Rendered.
4.2 After completion of Services Rendered the balance is to be paid, in full, within 30 days after date of invoice.
4.3 Quotations and the Airvent terms of service are considered realised and accepted in full by the client upon payment of the 50% deposit.
5 Exclusivity
5.1.The Client, its directors, employees, shareholders or anyone associated with The Client, shall not, whilst this Agreement remains in force for a period of 12 months and for whatever reason, without the prior written approval of Airvent, engage in solicitation of the Services Rendered from any company other than Airvent, in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, of any products and services which are, or may be, in the opinion of Airvent competitive with the Services Rendered by Airvent under this Agreement.
6 Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 The Client acknowledges that no rights are granted to The Client under this Agreement to prepare derivative works based on the Services Rendered or to alter, re-design, update, package, copy, reverse engineer, or duplicate the Services Rendered, or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of Airvent for a period of 99 years from the commencement of the Agreement and completion of Services Rendered, HOWEVER should the Services Rendered be such that The Client can update the Services Rendered themselves, for example with a content management system, all frameworks, design and subsequent systems will remain the property of Airvent, but the Client can use these Services Rendered to update their content within the Services Rendered.
6.2 The Client agrees that it shall in no way update, redesign, alter, deface, remove, cover up, or mutilate in any manner whatsoever, any Licensed Trademarks or any other means of identification, item number, copyright symbol, brand or name which Airvent may attach or affix to, or make a part of, the Services Rendered coming into the possession or custody of The Client.
6.3 Under The Agreement, no source files will be released to The Client unless this is negotiated prior to the 50% deposit being paid, outlined in clause 4, and thus stipulated in the signed quotation for Services Rendered.
7 Trademark/Copyright
Copyrights for the Services Rendered, together with any and all goodwill attached to the same, are the property of Airvent, and that Airvent retains exclusive rights of ownership and/or usage of all intellectual property rights associated with the Services Rendered. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to grant any of these rights to the Client or any other party.
8 Liability
Airvent and all its assigns do not assume any liability, whatsoever, for The Client.
9 Independent contractor relationship
The parties record that relationship by this agreement is that of independent contractor and client.
10 Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
10.1. On the understanding that both parties are interested in meeting to consider possible collaboration in developments arising from’s intellectual property it is agreed that all information, whether oral, written or otherwise, that is supplied in the course or as a result of so meeting shall be treated as confidential by the receiving party.
10.2. The receiving party undertakes not to use the information for any purpose, other than for the purpose of considering the said collaboration, without obtaining the written agreement of the disclosing party.
10.3. The Agreement applies to both technical and commercial information communicated by either party.
10.4. The Agreement does not apply to any information in the public domain or which the receiving party can show was either already lawfully in their possession prior to its disclosure by the other party or acquired without the involvement, either directly or indirectly, of the disclosing party.
10.5. Either party to The Agreement shall on request from the other return any documents or items connected with the disclosure and shall not retain any unauthorised copies or likenesses.
10.6. The Agreement or the supply of information referred to in paragraph 1, does not create any licence, title or interest in respect of any Intellectual Property Rights of the disclosing party.